his script was created by DBTECHNOSYSTEMS.com ---- // © DBTechnosystems.com http://www.dbtechnosystems.com // You may use this script but please leave author details here // DBTS Form Processor Extension version ini_set('display_errors', 1); $version = ""; error_reporting(0); if(session_id() == ""){ session_start(); } if("Working Mode" == "Debug Mode"){ error_reporting(E_ALL); } $SESSION = $_SESSION['POST']; if(is_array($SESSION)){ while (list ($key, $val) = each($SESSION)) { // Stripslashes only if it is not an array, or it empties the array if (!is_array($val)) { $SESSION[$key] = stripslashes($val); } } extract ($SESSION, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $error=""; require_once 'dbts_includes/dbts_functions.php'; // -------- RECEIVIMG CONFIG FILE VARIABLES----------- $form_id = "1"; $from_email = "info@drclivenovis.co.za"; $nameto = "Webmaster"; $mailto = "jaco@striatum.co.za, annatjie@drclivenovis.co.za"; $cc_email = "clivenovis@mweb.co.za"; $bcc_email = ""; $email_field = "Email"; $charset = "ISO-8859-1"; $success_url = " "; $error_url = "index.php"; $timezone = "Africa/Johannesburg"; if(trim($timezone) != ""){ if (function_exists(date_default_timezone_set)) { date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } else{ putenv ($timezone); mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1970); } } $time_format = ""; $date = date("l jS F Y, g:i A"); if(trim($time_format) != ""){ $date = date(""); } $admin_mail = "Yes"; $autoresponder = "Yes"; $csvStore = "No"; $dbStore = "No"; $post_further = "No"; $post_further_to = ""; $copy_in_session = "No"; $copy_from_session = "No"; $clear_session = "No"; $afterprocessing = "Exit"; $end_include = ""; $include_null_fields = "Yes"; $null_field_text = "No user input"; $excluded_fields = ""; $allow_urls = "Yes"; $captcha_rewrite = "Yes"; $captcha_error = "The entered code is wrong!"; $force_recaptcha = "No"; $privatekey = ""; $recaptcha_error_array['invalid-site-private-key'] = "We weren't able to verify the private key."; $recaptcha_error_array['invalid-request-cookie'] = "The challenge parameter of the verify script was incorrect."; $recaptcha_error_array['incorrect-captcha-sol'] = "The code you have entered in the captcha is wrong"; $recaptcha_error_array['recaptcha-not-reachable'] = "The captcha verification server is not accessible at the moment, so we can't verify your input. Please try again later."; $recaptcha_failure_behavior = "Allow submission"; $use_reverse_captcha = "No"; $non_empty_field_name = ""; $non_empty_field_value = ""; $empty_field_name = ""; $reverse_captcha_error = ""; $reverse_captcha_behavior = "Display Success Page"; $enable_departments = "No"; $department_field = "department"; $departments = array(); $department_emails = array(); $banned_behavior = "Display Success Page"; $banned_error = ""; $banned_ipname = array(); $banned_ipaddress = array(); $banned_ipname[] = "Unknown"; $banned_ipaddress[] = " -"; $banned_ipname[] = "unknown"; $banned_ipaddress[] = " -"; $bannedemail_names = array(); $bannedemail_emails = array(); $logo_image_url = "images/mail_logo.jpg"; $logo_alt = "Visit Dr Clive Novis !"; $logo_link = "http://www.drclivenovis.co.za"; $logo_bgrd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $logo_align = "left"; $table_width = "600"; $labelscolumn_width = ""; $cellspacing = "2"; $cellpadding = "2"; $border_width = "0"; $border_clr = "#000000"; $border_type = strtolower("Default"); $bgrd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $table_bgrd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $header_bgrd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $footer_bgrd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $labels_text_clr = "#000000"; $labels_bkgd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $values_text_clr = "#000000"; $values_bkgd_clr = "#FFFFFF"; $time_of_submission_label = "Time of Submission"; $ip_address_label = "IP Address"; $browser_label = "Browser"; $admin_mode = "HTML"; $subject = "New Submission from our Website Form"; $namefrom = "Website Form Manager"; $form_namefrom = ""; $htmlbodystart = 'There has been a new submission from our Website form. Here is the info submitted:'; $bodystart = "There has been a new submission from our Website form. Here is the info submitted:"; $htmlbodyend = 'Please review and act accordingly.'; $bodyend = "Please review and act accordingly."; $custom_admin_mail_template = ""; $include_ip ="Yes"; $include_browser = "Yes"; $include_datetime = "Yes"; $auto_mode = "HTML"; $autorespondersubject = "Contact Confirmation"; $autoresponderfrom = "info@drclivenovis.co.za"; $include_info = "Yes"; $autorespondernamefrom = "Dr Clive Novis"; $auto_form_nameto = ""; $htmlautoresponderstart= 'Hello, this email is to confirm that your info has been received.'; $autoresponderstart = "Hello, this email is to confirm that your info has been received."; $htmlautoresponderend = 'Thank you for contacting us!'; $autoresponderend = "Thank you for contacting us!"; $custom_auto_mail_template = ""; $auto_include_datetime = "Yes"; $auto_attach = ""; $file_ext = strtolower("jpg, gif, png, bmp, mp3, pdf, html, htm"); $filesize = "1024"; $store_uploaded = "Yes"; $uploadfolder = "uploads"; $add_prefix = "Yes"; $attach_files = "No"; $max_attach_size = "10"; $double_quote_fields = "Yes"; $csvSeparator = "comma ,"; $csvFile = "fomdata.csv"; $db_host = "localhost"; $db_name = "database_name"; $db_user = "username"; $db_password = "password"; $db_table = "table_name"; $create_table = "Yes"; $add_columns = "Yes"; $mail_engine = "mail() function"; $SMTPSecure = "No"; $SMTPHost = ""; $SMTPPort = "25"; $SMTPAuth = "false"; $SMTPUser = "you@smtp.com"; $SMTPPass = ""; $start_of_script_include = ''; $before_formdata_include = ''; $after_formdata_include = ''; $after_filedata_include = ''; $before_error_include = ''; $before_admin_mail_include = ''; $before_auto_mail_include = ''; $end_of_script_include = ''; $end_include = ''; // End of settings section // Process form include 'dbts_includes/dbts_formprocessor.php'; } ?> Contact Dr Clive Novis
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Optiklin Eye Hospital
104 Klein street, Benoni
Please complete the form and we will get back to you and schedule an appointment if required.
Tel: (011) 815-1117
Tel: (011) 306-1620
23 Sunnyside Ave, Westdene, Benoni
Contact Dr. Novis's Rooms
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Practice Hours
Benoni Practice Office Hours
16:30 PM - 18:00PM
7:30 - 10:30 AM
Monday - Friday
Dr. Novis
Cell: (073) 244-6875
Springs Practice Office Hours
Dr. Novis
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 - 10:00 AM
8:00 - 16:00
Springs Practice
10 Gillespie Road, Selection Park, Springs
Benoni Practice
Tel: (011) 815- 1117
Email: clivenovis@mweb.co.za
Dr Clive Novis
Dip.Optom MBBCH
FCS (Oph). MMED.
PR. No. 2603616
23 Sunnyside Ave, Westdene, Benoni
10 Gillespie Street, Selection Park, Springs
(011) 815-1117